Thursday, November 29, 2007

I want to hear your dating stories!


For women, dating in our roaring 20's, is fun and uninhibited with no real serious meaning behind it! Then the 30's roll around and we begin thinking there is more meaning here causing us to become a "little more serious and from time to time wondering "could this be the one". This when the pendulum seems to swing and for some of us a lot more significant! If your like a lot of women in the ski towns you "fly single" later in life than you thought you would. The same trend also seems to be perpetuating in the cities. Nevertheless, between it all great dating stories are created and you realize your middle school days of spin the bottle or truth or dare was in a lot of ways much easier!

I am in my late 30's and my life is getting better and better! Other than the stubborn gray hair I have to get rid of way too often, I know more of who I am then I was in my twenties and see my purpose and direction in life much clearer.

In a lot of ways women will agree (and chuckle) that many adult men are just little boys stuck in big boys bodies! Really! What guy do you know isn't and look how much fun they have! But isn't this in some way what we really love about them? Okay, sometimes but not ALL the time! With that in mind....

So the purpose behind all this is that I want to hear from all the awesome women out there! Please send me your comical, crazy and inspirational dating stories!

  • Please mention your age range when the date took place.


I appreciate and look forward to hearing from all of you!


Fuel Freedom -



How you do anything, is how you do everything!